“Ask a wild bee what the ancient druids knew.” --ancient peasant adage
http://www.meetup.com/Sleeping-Dragon-Grove/ AND OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/groups/druidae Meet Up: IMBOLC Feb 1 2018 https://www.meetup.com/Sleeping-Dragon-Grove/events/247321275/ PAST MEETUPS: Alban Eiler (Spring Equinox)
IMBOLC at the Wilde Thistle
FULL MOON The Druid Network International Full Moon Peace Intention Ritual
Scottish Fiddlers
Samhain and Day of the Dead
The Druid Network International Full Moon Peace Intention Ritual
Alban Elved
The Druid Network International Full Moon Peace Intention Ritual
2014 House of Danu Gathering and Eisteddfod
The Druid Network International Full Moon Peace Intention Ritual.
We are a grove of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids (OBOD): http://www.druidry.org
Email: [email protected] And belong to the House of Danu, a Federation of OBOD Groves in California: http://www.houseofdanu.com/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/House-of-Danu-Official/125800407450702 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS: OBOD Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids http://www.druidry.org AODA Ancient Order of Druids in America http://www.aoda.org AFD Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship http://www.adf.org Ireland's Druid School http://www.druidschool.com Druid Network http://druidnetwork.org Reformed Druids http://rdna.info/ New Order of Druids http://www.druidcircle.org Labyrinth Locator http://labyrinthlocator.com/ CALIFORNIA RESOURCES: House of Danu (California) http://houseofdanu.com/ Star and Stone Druid Grove http://www.starandstonedruids.com/ |